math programming with julia

Linear Programming Data
- Vaccine:
Mixed Integer Programming Data
- Stamps:
- Food festival:
- Student Teacher Meetings
- Workplan for Teaching Assistants
- The Wedding Planner
Linear Programming
- Incredible Chairs:
- Incredible Chairs 2
- Class Jobs
- Chair Transport
- Jewellery Production
- Micro Brewery
- Vaccine
- Chair Distribution
- Project Scheduling
Mixed Integer Programming
- Incredible Chairs 3
- Chair Logistics
- Class Jobs 2
- Startup Fund
- Stamps
- Scrap Removal
- Food Festival
- Micro Brewery 2
- Chair Logistics 2
- Student Teacher Meetings
- Workplan Teaching Assistant
- Tennis
- Groceries
- Beer Flow Routing
- Wedding Planning
- Hot Air
e-mail: mathprogjulia at
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
ISBN nr.: 978-87-93458-25-3