What is the Danish National Travel Survey
What is The Danish National Travel Survey?
The Danish National Travel Survey (TU) is an interview survey which serves to document the travel patterns of the Danish population.
In short, the objective of the survey is to answer the following five questions:
- How much?
- How?
- Where?
- When?
- And why do people travel?
This means that TU can answer a wide range of questions asked by decision-makers, planners, researchers and others with an interest in personal travel patterns
The Danish National Travel Survey (TU) has been conducted for a number of years, but at the overall level data are usually considered to be divided into three separate generations:
In addition to the ordinary data collection, data collection for special purposes has been carried out for shorter periods of time.
The Danish National Travel Survey (TU) provides a consistent, statistical picture of transport in Denmark for Danish residents over 6 years of age. Transport patterns can be analysed in the context of a wide range of background variables and of social, economic and geographical characteristics.
Denmark hosts various data collections, which in part seeks to answer some of the same questions as TU. What makes TU unique, in both a national and an international perspective, is:
- TU has been conducted throughout a number of years - current survey since 2006. in addition, there are previous surveys from 1975, 1981, 1986 and 1992-2003.
- TU contains large quantities of data – since 1992, about 500,000 Danish residents have been interviewed, which provides us with detailed information on more than 1 million trips. This makes TU one of the largest surveys of its kind worldwide.
- TU is the primary source of knowledge about how Danish residents travel on foot and by bike.
- TU is able to supply consistent knowledge about the purpose of single trips.
- TU describes how individuals and transport patterns are related.
- TU defines all means of transport by the same principles.
- TU features a very accurate description of the geography of single trips (destinations at address/coordinate level).
Data collection
The diagram below shows how the surveys are planned:
Sponsoring partners to the survey
The Danish National Travel Survey has been organized in different ways over time. Since 2001, DTU has been responsible for maintaining and developing the survey, on behalf of a series of partners who contribute to the funding of the survey.
The following partners help fund and develop the survey:
- The Danish Ministry of Transport
- The Danish Road Directorate
- The Danish Transport Authority
- Movia
- The Danish Road Safety Council
- The Capital Region of Denmark
- The Region of Southern Denmark
- The Greater Copenhagen Light Rail
- The Copenhagen Metro
- Transport DTU
- The Danish Energy Agency
- By & Havn
- Dansk Industri
- FynBus
- Sydtrafik
- A number of municipalities (Albertslund, Ballerup, Billund, Esbjerg, Favrskov, Fredensborg, Fredericia, Frederiksberg, Furesø, Gentofte, Gladsaxe, Greve, Gribskov, Guldborgsund, Haderslev,Helsingør, Herlev, Herning, Hillerød, Hvidovre, Høje Taastrup, Hørsholm, Ishøj, Kolding, København, Køge, Lejre, Lyngby-Taarbæk, Middelfart, Næstved, Odense, Randers, Ringsted, Roskilde, Rudersdal, Rødovre, Silkeborg, Slagelse, Sorø, Sønderborg, Vejen, Vejle, Viborg, Vordingborg, Aabenraa, Aalborg, Aarhus)
The actual work of drawing the potential respondents for the survey, sending out introductory letters and performing the interviews by phone is conducted by Epinion.