Main result

Because of its extent, the Danish National Travel Survey (Danish: Transportvaneundersøgelsen, TU) provide a great variety of possible application. Below you find a series of main results from the Danish National Travel Survey - all describe certain aspects of how Danish residents travel.

Data on these pages can be used free of charge, please state the Danish National Travel Survey and DTU as source, wherever the data are used.


Above is presented the distribution of trip purposes and of mode of transportation, respectively, based on mileage for the entire country. The illustrations are part of the latest annual report for the whole Denmark (2018).


To document the quality of the Danish National Travel Survey, DTU / CTA makes regular comparisons with relevant other statistics. A selection of these comparisons can be found below.


Total passenger mileage

Below is presented the development of total passenger mileage (calculated as millionkilometers traveled) from 2016 to 2020, and the comparison between data from TU (red) and data from Danish Road Directorate (gray).

Notes for illustration:

  • Mileage for Danish residents calculated with data from TU for persons over 6 years old, compared with the Danish Road Directorate's data.
  • Data from  are based on odometer readings, processed to represent the total mileage by Danish registered cars in Denmark.


S-train passenger mileage

Below is the mileage by the Copenhagen suburban train system (the S-trains) average for the years 2007-2016, and the comparison between TU (red) and Statistics Denmark / StatBank Denmark (gray). The figure from Statistics Denmark is based on passenger counts, independent of the Travel Survey.

Note for illustration: Data for TU contains Danish residents between 10 and 84 years.


Vehicles across the Great Belt

Below is a comparison on the number of vehicles per year, crossing the Great Belt Bridge, as average for the years 2007-2017. Comparison between TU (red) and official statistics from storebæ (gray), based on ticket sales on the bridge (toll bridge).


Hjalmar Christiansen

Hjalmar Christiansen Senior executive officer Department of Technology, Management and Economics Phone: +45 45256508