Latest Data

The latest TU-dataset covers the period between May 2006 and December 2024.

For most purposes the latest edition of the TU-dataset is used, which includes data from May 2006 to end of December 2024.

The latest dataset includes 218,642 interviews and 641, 055 trips. The table below shows an overview of data quantities included in the latest TU-dataset:










2006 8 141
11 141 27 091 30 170
2007 14 402
18 156 43 405 48 800
2008 13 333 16 661 39 434 44 006
2009 19 198 24 660 58 794 66 426
2010 23 705
29 091 68 469 78 967
2011 18 009 22 148 52 113
60 698
2012 9 697 12 221 28 625 32 952
2013 8 912 10 416 23 933 27 878
2014 9 581 11 505 26 526 30 572
2015 8 720 10 680 24 547 28 223
2016 8 793 11 379 26 733 30 689
2017 9 921
13 018
30 789
35 322
2018 11 086
13 276 30 897 36 819
2019 10 202
12 006 27 928
32 561
2020 12 161
15 089
35 354
39 581
10 152 13 418
31 042 34 633
11 135
14 651
33 725
38 230
2023   11 514  13 882  31 650  36 125
SUM 218 642
273 398 641 055
732 652