Social acceptance
Social acceptance of low-carbon technologies and policies is crucial in our efforts to combat climate change and create a sustainable future. Social acceptance refers to how society and people perceive and embrace low-carbon technology solutions. These technologies and policies' success depends not only on economic and technological feasibility, but also on public support.
When people accept and adopt low-carbon technologies it accelerates the green transition, which can be done at lower costs, but with more benefits to citizens and society. Furthermore, when governments implement low-carbon policies with the public's approval, it paves the way for more significant and effective action on climate change. In short, social acceptance is the key to unlocking a greener and more sustainable future.
To support this, we examine the level of acceptance of a broad range of technologies, including wind power, solar energy and carbon capture and storage. Our research aims to understand how factors, such as knowledge, information, citizen dialogue and cocreation can impact acceptance and how acceptance might vary among individuals in terms of residential proximity to the technologies.
Jacob Ladenburg Professor Department of Technology, Management and Economics Mobile: +45 42493610
Ramazan Sari Professor Department of Technology, Management and Economics Mobile: +45 93513548