Life as a PhD Student
At DTU Management, we work hard to ensure our PhD programme is a coherent experience for our students all the way through. We consider it especially important that our students are well taken care of right from the start.
Therefore, all new PhD Students are invited individually to an introductory meeting with our PhD Coordinator, who will assign you a mentor: A second- or third-year PhD Student who will introduce you to relevant people (including other PhD Students at the Department) and tell you a little about the Department's structure, study/research abroad, preparing a study plan, what is expected of you as a PhD Student.
Within the first six months, we hold a research introduction course to help prepare you for the challenges that you will meet during the programme. The course touches on subjects such as engineering, scientific theory, study plans, literature search and reference management techniques, competency development and potential career paths.
The PhD Students are very engaged in their professional and social network, with monthly activities such as 'inspiration afternoons' that feature guest speakers, mini-lectures on student projects, the Friday bar (the TGIF Bar) and the annual Christmas party. Thus, we encourage our PhD Students to feel they are not just part of one of our research sections, but also part of a strong network of students who can be useful as discussion partners if (and when) you meet the challenges that are a natural part of your work and study.