Transport Policy
The Transport Policy Section works with various data and models within the transport sector.

Transport and mobility are of crucial importance for society as a whole; thus it is important for transport policy decisions to be made using the best possible knowledge base. This is Transport Policy Section's focus.
We use a wide range of professional approaches, such as economics, statistical modelling and psychology. Our analytical results always are communicated to stakeholders so that they can be used in society.
Socio-economic assessments, such as transport investments or measures, are central and are used in several areas, and the methodological basis is developed continuously based on the latest research in which, e.g., the value-set focusses on noise, pollution, health effects etc.
The policy section deals with the design of policies within the major societal challenges for the sector, which the rest of the transport division also works with, such as:
- Green restructuring of the transport sector
For example, electrification of the car fleet, the rollout of charging infrastructure, cycling, public transport and strategic procurement policy - Mobility and accessibility
For example, charging infrastructure, road infrastructure, public transport, cycling, the importance of society's productivity and regional development, road pricing, use of urban spaces, use of new technologies and human-machine interaction, perception of risk and mobility consequences, transport and equality, and transport and gender - Limitation of socio-economic costs
For example, efficient reduction of climate and environmental stress, noise, accidents, congestion, road safety measures and behaviour - General equilibrium effects and distributional effects of transport measures
For example, localisation effects and regional development, the introduction of new technologies (digital illiterates), transport and equality, transport and gender, consequences of transport policy for equality, and interaction between the transport area and the other economic sectors.
Contact Head of Section
Ninette Pilegaard Deputy Head of Division, Head of Section Phone: +45 45256554