Decision-making is a core element of human activity, and the decisions we make can have significant consequences for ourselves, others, and the world we live in. Thus, the ability to explain and predict decision-making is vital for improving individual and societal outcomes, especially when addressing global challenges like climate change, sustainable energy, aging populations, and public health. Mathematical models of decision-making can help us to understand and predict human behaviour.
In this five-year project, Rico and his team will establish a novel framework to understand and predict human behaviour in hypothetical and futuristic scenarios. This includes new models for integrating choice and process data, new statistical inference procedures tailored to such models, and new methods for collecting rich behavioural data in immersive experiments using extended reality. The project also involves extensive empirical work with implications for the human-centric design of future transport and infrastructure systems.
Thanks to his European Research Council Starting Grant, Rico will be equipped with the means to make significant advances in the study of human decision-making. His work will enable leveraging profound behavioural insights to tackle global challenges and find effective solutions that consider the needs and preferences of human users.
The ERC funding is a part of the EU Horizon Europe programme and supports cutting-edge research in different fields, with Rico Krueger being from social sciences and humanities. The ERC is the premier European funding organisation for frontier research, funding researchers of any nationality and age across Europe.
With 3,474 proposals evaluated by peer review panels of internationally renowned researchers, 14.2% of the proposals were selected for funding for interesting and important projects.
Mette Wier, Head of Department at DTU Managements congratulates Rico with the prestigious grant saying, “I am so happy for Rico who can now amplify his research vision the best possible way. I am also proud that the department has now won 3 ERC grants in only two years. Scholars at the department are contributing magnificently. Big congrats to Rico.”
Thanks to the European Research Council Starting Grant and a huge congratulations to Rico Krueger for this esteemed grant.